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About Our Center


Eual J. Landry, Sr. Educational Programs Center received an exemplary status from the Louisiana Department of Education’s site audit, making it the first alternative education site in the state to receive this recognition.

Eual J. Landry, Sr. Educational Programs Center


Welcome to our website.  Our focus is to improve communication with our stakeholders. We hope you find this resource useful and supportive.  

Our programs provide opportunities for students to enhance their personal, social, and academic capabilities within a nurturing school environment through positive student-teacher relationships and effective academic instruction.  We address the needs of every student providing behavioral, social, and academic support.  Our teachers, counselor, and administration are here to meet the needs of every student and support your efforts.  

We are committed to establishing high expectations for all students and providing the best possible learning environment. We will continue to work as a team of students, teachers, parents, and community as we encourage students to believe in themselves, achieve knowledge, and gain social skills in order to become successful as they move through life.  

We provide timely feedback to parents regarding student progress via email, PowerSchool, and Edgenuity Portal.  Parents can communicate with their child's teacher via email or telephone. Please take advantage of these opportunities so that you are well informed regarding grades, behavior, and attendance.  

In an effort to provide a safe learning environment for all students, the administration has developed handbooks that explain our programs, procedures, rules, and expectations. Please take time to read and familiarize yourself with our programs.

Again, we are here to support you in your efforts to maximize your child's potential.

Ingrid Brass



Our vision is for all students to attain the 21st century skills needed to become life-long learners who are prepared to excel in college and/or careers.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a supportive, structured, and inclusive learning environment whereby all students develop the social, emotional, and academic skills needed to facilitate a successful transition to their home-base school and community.